Problems Solved...
Below is a list of some of the typical challenges found during the manufacturing process and product development that we can help address.Problem:
Traditional touch probe CMM only provides single point data which may not be enough for decision making.
We can capture hundreds of thousands of points in a single measurement and deliver surface data, profile, cross-sections and color mapping for improved decision making.
Dies and Molds confirmation. Hand worked changes were done without accurate measurements.
We can capture the designs of the original and modified conditions to compare dimensional differences. Tracking these differences will allow proper digital archiving of the latest designs.
Product improvement.
We can deliver full color quality inspection reports. This will help facilitate discussions around optimization and trends for further improvement.
No CAD data.
We can capture the surfaces of an object and convert it into high-resolution polygon meshes. The data captured can then be converted into CAD using reverse engineering techniques.
Process optimization.
We can regularly assist with monitoring product quality. The data that we capture will enable us to understand the as-built conditions and make the appropriate adjustments for increased process optimization.
Actual shape of poduction tools.
We can aid in determining production tool changes. The high-quality 3D data that we capture will allow direct milling on reconstruction of CAD surfaces.